Agenda Item Title:
20UR016 - Major Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to revise an existing reader board sign
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
John Kaiser for Central States Fair, Inc.
Staff Contact:
John Green, Current Planner I
West of Cambell Street between San Francisco Street and Centre Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted Conditional Use Permit application to replace a previously approved electronic reader board sign on the Central States Fairgrounds. The applicant is proposing to alter the existing pole sign located adjacent to Cambell Street to include a more modern LED reader board sign and sponsorship for the fairgrounds. The proposed sign measures 5.5 feet by 9.25 feet, totaling 51 square feet of illuminated area. Specifically, the applicant is intending to replace the existing 51 square-foot sign with a modern board that will provide better visibility for the fairgrounds. Additionally, the applicant has indicated that they intend to raise the height of the existing pole structure by approximately one foot to accommodate an additional LED illuminated static sign for sponsorship recognition. The current pole sign measures 27 feet in height, while the proposed sign measures 28 feet. The additional signage does not meet the definition of an electronic reader board sign and will not be counted toward the 60 square-foot maximum allowable electronic reader board signage. The subject property is zoned Flood Hazard District and is approximately 22.43 acres in size. On-premise signs, including electronic reader board signs, are a permitted use within the Flood Hazard District. However, the Planning Commission has directed staff to bring all proposed electronic signs that are part of a Conditional Use Permit before the Planning Commission for consideration.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact Notes:
Planning Commission Approved with Stipulations: 8/6/2020
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations