Posted: April 09, 2020
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: 20PD010 - Meadow View Subdivision

Agenda Item Title:

20PD010 - Final Planned Development Overlay to allow a Multi-Family Development

Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
FMG Engineering for Lloyd Companies
Staff Contact:
Fletcher Lacock, Current Planner III
1330 Catron Boulevard
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has requested that the Final Planned Development Overlay application be continued to the April 23, 2020 Planning Commission meeting. The applicant has submitted a Final Planned Development Overlay to allow an apartment complex on a parcel of land approximately 10.82 acres in size zoned Medium Density Residential District. In particular, the applicant is proposing to construct a 168-unit apartment complex with three apartment buildings and a clubhouse. The proposed height will be three-stories with a maximum height of 35 feet. On November 7, 2019, the Planning Commission approved an Initial Planned Development Overlay which included granting the following Exceptions: to reduce the number of landscaped parking lot islands from 5 to 2 and to allow less than 50% of the landscaping to be located within 20 feet of a parking area. The property is located north of the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Wellington Drive, northeast of the intersection of Mount Rushmore Road and Catron Boulevard. Currently, the property is void of any structural development.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Notes:
Continue to the April 23, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting

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