Agenda Item Title:
20PD005 - Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a single-family residential use
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Black Hills Habitat for Humanity
Staff Contact:
John Green, Current Planner I
611 Herman Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted a Major Amendment to a Planned Development Overlay to allow a single-family residential use on the property located at 611 Herman Street. The subject property is 0.22 acres in size and is zoned Office Commercial District. On May 27th, 1999, the Rapid City Planning Commission approved a Planned Development Overlay application to allow an office on the subject property with the stipulation that any change in use required the review and approval of a Major Amendment to the Planned Development Overlay. Additionally, while a single-family residence is currently listed as a permitted use in the Office Commercial District, City Staff is amending the Rapid City Municipal Code to remove single-family residences as a permitted use within the district, requiring that the property be rezoned to a residential zoning district. As such, the applicant has submitted this application concurrently with a rezoning request (File# 20RZ013) to rezone the subject property from Office Commercial District to Medium Density Residential District. The City’s Future Land Use Plan currently lists the property as Employment Center, which does not list Medium Density Residential District as an appropriate zoning designation. Based on the existing and proposed land uses within the area and the location of the property, Future Land Use Planning Staff supports changing the Future Land Use Plan to Urban Neighborhood and will initiate the amendment to the Future Land Use Plan when completing the next periodic update to the map
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission Approved with stipulations in conjunction with the associated Rezoning request (File# 20RZ013): 3/26/2020