Agenda Item Title:
19PL082 - Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
KTM Design Solutions, Inc for Justin Henrichsen
Staff Contact:
Vicki L. Fisher, Current Planning Manager
Northwest of the intersection of Glendale Street and Homestead Street
Agenda Item Summary:
The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Subdivision Plan to subdivide an existing 0.83-acre residential lot into two lots. The proposed lots will be sized 0.41 acres and 0.39 acres, respectively, and are a part of the Marshall Subdivision. The property is located northwest of the intersection of Homestead Street and Valley Drive. Currently, a single-family residence is located on proposed Lot D of Lot 3A.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission approved with stipulations: 11/7/2019
City Council Recommendation Action:
Approve with Stipulations
City Council Recommendation Notes:
City Council approved with stipulations: 11/18/2019