Posted: February 19, 2019
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: 18OA022 – An Ordinance to Allow a Car Wash as a Permitted Use in the General Commercial Zoning District by Amending Section 17.18.020 of the Rapid City Municipal Code

Agenda Item Title:

18OA022 – An Ordinance to Allow a Car Wash as a Permitted Use in the General Commercial Zoning District by Amending Section 17.18.020 of the Rapid City Municipal Code (Ordinance No. 6301)

Origination Group:
Planning Commission
Origination Meeting Date:
Stage 2 Group Name:
Legal & Finance Committee
Stage 2 Meeting Date:
City Council First Reading Date:
City Council Second Reading Date:
City of Rapid City
Staff Contact:
Fletcher Lacock, Current Planner III
Agenda Item Summary:
The purpose of the Ordinance Amendment is to allow a car wash as a permitted use in the General Commercial District provided that there are no dwellings or residential zoning districts located within 250 feet of the property. In most instances, a car wash is constructed in conjunction with a convenience store, within a corridor of other commercial uses. If there are residential districts or dwellings located within 250 feet, then the use would be reviewed as a Conditional Use Permit.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Action:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Planning Commission recommended approval: 1/24/2019; Legal and Finance Committee approved 1st Reading: 1/30/2019; Legal and Finance Committee approved 2nd Reading: 2/13/2019
City Council Recommendation Action:
City Council Recommendation Notes:
City Council Approved 1st Reading: 2/4/2019; City Council Approved 2nd Reading: 2/19/2019

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