Agenda Item Title:
Authorize Mayor and Finance Director to Sign Dinosaur Park Tower Indemnification, Property Transfer, and Lease Termination Agreement
Origination Group:
Legal & Finance Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Fire Department
Staff Contact:
Jason Culberson
Circle of Friends Community Room
Agenda Item Summary:
In 1994, the City leased certain City premises located within Dinosaur Park to Mayer Radio, Inc., thereby allowing Mayer to operate a tower and make improvements to the premises. The lease allowed the City to utilize six radio communication units on the tower structure at no cost to the City. At one point in time, all former Mayer assets were transferred to Black Hills Power, including the lease. The terms of the lease have been honored by the City and BHP up until the present day.
Now, however, BHP no longer needs the tower. The City still has two-way radio communication equipment located on the tower and would like to acquire the tower. This Agreement allows the City to take ownership of the tower and take back all rights to the premises.
Now, however, BHP no longer needs the tower. The City still has two-way radio communication equipment located on the tower and would like to acquire the tower. This Agreement allows the City to take ownership of the tower and take back all rights to the premises.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: