Posted: February 23, 2023
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: LF030123 01

Agenda Item Title:

Approve Purchase from ClearSpan Fabric Structures International Inc. for a greenhouse structure, associated mechanical and HVAC equipment, automated controls, and quoted installation services with Sourcewell Contract Pricing in the Amount of $310,786.24

Origination Group:
Legal & Finance Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Parks and Recreation
Staff Contact:
Melissa Petersen
Parks Maintenance Yard
Agenda Item Summary:
A ClearSpan Purchasing Authority was approved at the February 6th Council meeting in the amount of $288,918.04. Since then, staff have become aware of local building code requirements that were not met by the previously quoted greenhouse package. A revised building package was put together which increased the total price by $21,868.20. This purchase is still utilizing ClearSpan’s Sourcewell Contract #091319-CSS.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center
0505 8912
Is Funding Budgeted?:


Origination Recommendation Action:

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