Agenda Item Title:
Request Authorization for Mayor and Interim Finance Director to Sign a Three Year Contract for Professional Services, with Innovative NonProfit LLC (INP), in an Amount up to $156,000.00 over the Course of the Three Years, which Funding Comes from the City’s $2 Million Dollar Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Grant Award
Origination Group:
Legal & Finance Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Jamie Kirsch, Grant Project Manager
Staff Contact:
Jennifer Utter, Assistant City Attorney/Jamie Kirsch/Dave Kinser
Agenda Item Summary:
Innovative NonProfit, LLC. (INP) is a company dedicated to assisting public entities and private non-profit agencies in establishing procedures and processes for grant compliance and data management, as well as assisting new non-profit agencies, and strengthening existing agencies, with the goal of long-term viability of the non-profit programs.
Background: INP LLC is a South Dakota company that has a track record serving this region. They have a track record working with local Rapid City groups already addressing violence prevention by meeting emergency needs within the Rapid City Community. INP contracted with the White House Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative to support local Rapid City organizations involved in the Community Violence Intervention Collaborative in 2022 and supported 3 organizations with capacity development and technical assistance.
Current effort: In addition to supporting our City grant management efforts, INP will work directly with agencies identified by City as viable local groups at various stages of formalized development. INP will initially evaluate structures and strengths of existing organizations, and help establish new groups who are willing to cooperate with City and INP in strengthening their current operations, in support of preventing and reducing violence in our community. INP will provide quarterly reports to the City to measure progress toward the goal of establishing and maintaining viable City processes and outside agencies to serve our Rapid City community now and in the future.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: