Posted: January 17, 2023
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: LF020123 01

Agenda Item Title:

Approve Abatements from the Director of Equalization

Origination Group:
Legal & Finance Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Pennington County Auditor
Staff Contact:
Tracy Davis, Interim Finance Director
Agenda Item Summary:
Approve request for property tax abatements as follows: James Cerone (Tax ID 59284), $1003.56; Secretary of Housing (TAX ID 72019), $11.38; Secretary of Housing (TAX ID 72021), $1,268.58; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71221) $24.02; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71222) $17.70; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 42257) $307.60; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 52978) $8746.84; Nada Archilta (TAX ID 8009234) $72.88; Northwestern Engineering Co. (TAX ID 8009624) $119.06; David Biers (TAX ID 8008066) $66.82; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71363) $434.50; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71365) $40.26; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 65078) $18.58; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 65078) $18.58; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 63414) $18.58; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71220) $7.60; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 71219) $7.60; Dustan Gilyard (TAX ID 65397) $1616.84; Secretary of Housing (TAX ID 72020) $11.38; Kaleigh Meeks (TAX ID 1601) $2354.96; Marvin Bragg (TAX ID 47077) $1750.96; Loren Prang (TAX ID 3444) $822.39; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 24966) $14.68; City of Rapid City (TAX ID 52211) $11438.22; [Total for City of Rapid City: $30,174.99]

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


Origination Recommendation Action:

Attachments & Links to Download:

pdf LF020123 01 Abatements 020623 (1.48 MB)

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