Agenda Item Title:
Youth City Council Requests Authorization for Expenditure of $1,200.00 of Approved Budget for Marketing and Community Relations
Origination Group:
Legal & Finance Committee
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Jennifer B. Utter, Assistant City Attorney; Ritchie Nordstrom, City Council Liaison
Agenda Item Summary:
During the regularly scheduled Rapid City Youth City Council meeting held on the 13th of September 2022, the following motions were passed unanimously by present voting members.
• Approved Motions Summary: “The Rapid City Youth City Council is requesting the approval of an expenditure in the amount of $1200 for Youth City Council promotional marketing materials.”
• The current approved Rapid City Youth City Council (RCYCC) Budget outlines $1300 for Marketing for which $0 has been expended.
• The following is a general breakdown of the requested expenditure:
• 18 clothing items for each RCYCC with City logo and/or RCYCC logo on them - $900
• Promotional items to hand out at community events - $300
• Work alongside the communication and public relations manager for the City to expand on RCYCC website and/or social media sites - $0 cost – future cost TBD
• We feel that wearing and sharing of promotional items will provide the following benefits:
• Build and maintain a positive reputation within the community.
• Improve and/or spark civic engagement of youth in our community.
• Increase the application pool of the RCYCC.
• Increase visibility of RCYCC doing good work in the community.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: