Agenda Item Title:
Authorize the Mayor and Finance Director to Sign an Infill Agreement between the City of Rapid City and Lazy P6 Land Company for the Construction of Public Improvements and Acceptance of H-Lots
Origination Group:
City Council Working Session
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Lazy P6 Land Company
Staff Contact:
Dan Kools
Est of 5th Street, south of E. Catron Boulevard
Agenda Item Summary:
Lazy P6 Land Company will be constructing portions of E. Watts Lane and Fargo Lane within the Southgate Commercial Condos Subdivision, located east of 5th Street and south of E. Catron Boulevard, requiring an Infill Agreement. This will include the construction of public improvements and the acceptance of H-Lots dedicating right-of-way upon completion and acceptance of the improvements.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Origination Recommendation Action: