Posted: April 09, 2021
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: WS041421-05

Agenda Item Title:

Second Reading and Recommendation of Ordinance No. 6464 – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 8.40 regarding Nuisance Sidewalks and Amending Chapter 12.08 regarding Sidewalk Construction and Repair.

Origination Group:
City Council Working Session
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Carla Cushman & Kinsley Groote
Agenda Item Summary:
In 2020, the South Dakota legislature passed Senate Bill 137, which revised provisions for the repair, replacement, and construction of sidewalks within a municipality. The City Attorney’s Office, the Public Works Department, and the Code Enforcement Division of the Community Development Department have worked together to draft Ordinance No. 6464 to address SB 137’s statutory changes. Ordinance No. 6464 would create a new process for notifications and abatements specific to sidewalk nuisances. The Ordinance would also amend Rapid City Municipal Code Chapter 12.08 to provide that the Council will follow the process as provided in South Dakota Codified Law Chapter 9-46 to order the construction of new sidewalks. Please see the attached Memo for further information.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center
0505 8910


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