Agenda Item Title:
Request Authorization for Staff to Seek Proposals for Engineering Services for Race Track Draw Drainage Basin Design Plan (DBDP) Update, Project No. 20-2628, CIP No. 51315
Origination Group:
City Council Working Session
Origination Meeting Date:
City Council Hearing Date:
Staff Contact:
Mary Bosworth
Agenda Item Summary:
The selected Consultant will develop an update to the Race Track Draw DBDP. The original DBDP was completed in 1990, with a partial update in 2003. The current DBDP’s land use, zoning, major street plan, and hydrology/hydraulics need to be revised to meet current design information and criteria. Recent updates to the DBDP’s to the east and west of the Race Track Draw drainage basin have identified flows entering the basin that were not accounted for in the original DBDP. Existing and future drainage facilities need to be evaluated to determine if they are adequately sized for the additional flows. Proposed development in the drainage basin is facilitating the need to update the DBDP.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
609 Stormwater | 7403 Stormwater Drainage Expansion |
Is Funding Budgeted?:
Origination Recommendation Action: