Agenda Item Title:
Approve award of total bid for Pavement Rehabilitation Project 2023 Street Patching, Project No. 23-2763 / CIP No. 50549.23A opened on September 26, 2023 to the lowest responsible bidder, Dakota Asphalt LLC in the amount of $504,480.50.
Origination Group:
City Council
Origination Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Jacob Lauer
Agenda Item Summary:
This project is for street patching, curb & gutter replacement, and ADA improvements at multiple locations within the city. Locations include Stumer Road ROW from Enchanted Pines Dr to 5th Street, Enchanted Pines Dr ROW from Stumer Road to 5th Street, Kiowa Ln ROW, Dunbar Ct ROW, Encampment Ln ROW, Park Drive ROW from Wonderland Drive to Westridge Road, and Olympic Ct ROW.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
505 | 8910 |
Is Funding Budgeted?:
Origination Recommendation Action: