Agenda Item Title:
No bids were received for RC City Hall Phase 2 Renovation, Project No. 19-2675 / CIP No. 51225 opened on September 13, 2022. Staff recommends negotiating a contract in accordance with SDCL 5-18A-5(9).
Origination Group:
City Council
Origination Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Rod Johnson, PE
Agenda Item Summary:
Lobby, Council Chambers and minor office renovations.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
107 | 132 |
Is Funding Budgeted?:
Origination Recommendation Notes:
No bids were received. Staff recommends negotiating a contract in accordance with SDCL 5-18A-5(9).
City Council Recommendation Action: