Agenda Item Title:
Approve Staff Recommendation for Bid Award - Elk Vale Lift Station Gravity Main and Force Main Project, Project No. 18-2480/CIP No. 50729, Bid Opened on Tuesday May 11, 2021 to the lowest responsible bidder, Mainline Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $7,080,286.60.
Origination Group:
City Council
Origination Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Michelle Lashley
Agenda Item Summary:
This project includes two 16” sewer force mains and a 24” gravity sewer main to be constructed from North Elk Vale Road and Seger Drive south to Elk Vale Road and Homestead Street, approximately 2.5 miles in length, to accommodate flows from the Elk Vale Lift Station. The project also includes piping modifications within the lift station to allow for the use of the new force mains. This project is needed to meet the near term expected sewer demands from the upstream service area. The Elk Vale Lift Station was upgraded in 2013. This project will allow for the full capacity of the lift station to be used. This project is a high priority of the Sewer Operations Department due to the limitations of the existing force main and gravity sewer main.
The availability and prices for materials needed for the completion of this project have recently experienced extreme volatility. Because of this market volatility, vendors and suppliers are only willing to guarantee quoted pricing for 24-48 hours on certain materials. In order to reduce the risk associated with this market volatility, it is in the best interest of both the City and the contractor to accept the quoted prices very quickly, or potentially reject bids and re-evaluate the project design and schedule. - Based on review of the Bids received Staff is recommending award of this project per the attached Bid Award Summary and Recommendation.
Funding for this project is through Wastewater Revenue Bonds, of which the resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of the bonds was approved by City Council on December 21, 2020, Item WS121620-10.
Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):
Funding | Cost Center |
Wastewater Enterprise | |
Expansion | |
Origination Recommendation Notes:
Award: Total Bid including Base Bid + Bid Alt 2 + Bid Alt 3 in the amount of $7,080,286.60 to Mainline Contracting, Inc.