Posted: January 28, 2021
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: CC011921-04.3 Single Axle 4x4 Sander Truck

Agenda Item Title:

Award bid for (1) One New Current Model Year Single Axle 4X4 Sander Truck with Pre-wet system and V-plow from Floyd’s Truck Center with Northern Truck in the amount of $178,311.00 after trade

Origination Group:
City Council
Origination Meeting Date:
Mandy Hanson
Staff Contact:
Dale Pfeifle
Agenda Item Summary:
Award bid for (1) One New Current Model Year Single Axle 4X4 Sander Truck with Pre-wet system and V-plow from Floyd’s Truck Center with Northern Truck as it meets specifications with no deviations. Cost of $192,311.00 less trade of $14,000.00, Unit S018, 2004 Sterling Sander Truck VIN: 2FZAATBS24AM50473 for total of $178,311.00. Low bidder of $170,833.00 Floyd’s Truck Center with Sanitation Products did not meet the outlined specifications needed for the Single Axle 4X4 Sander Truck with Pre-Wet System and V-plow. Specifications not being met: 1:04 – printed specifications and literature on the models they propose to furnish 3.04 – local dealer for service of the hydraulics and pre-wet system 28.02 – Sander body with 7’ minimum 30.01 – Idler 2” diameter shaft with roller bearings, 3” spring loaded idler adjustment 33.04 – Conveyor dual motors, one on each side of conveyor 47.07 – Pre-Wet system pump shall be mount near rear of spreader

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center
101 302
Is Funding Budgeted?:


Origination Recommendation Action:

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