Posted: March 09, 2020
Rapid City
Agenda Item Summary

Agenda Item Ref. #: 1. No. CC031020-01 – Public Hearing on Code of Conduct Complaint Against Alderwoman Lisa Modrick.

Agenda Item Title:

Public Hearing on Code of Conduct Complaint Against Alderwoman Lisa Modrick.

Origination Group:
City Council
Origination Meeting Date:
Staff Contact:
Joel Landeen
Agenda Item Summary:
On December 10, 2019, Darren Harr, the President of the Airport Board of Directors, met with Alderman Lisa Modrick to discuss issues between the airport and her employer Westjet Air Center. On January 2, 2020, Alderman Modrick contacted the Mayor and indicated she had been threatened by Haar at this meeting and was concerned for her personal safety. Alderman Modrick, her husband, and representatives of Westjet met with the Mayor to outline her concerns. The conversation on December 10th was recorded by Mr. Haar. The Mayor and City staff have listened to the recording and based on their review have concluded the allegations made by Alderman Modrick and Westjet are unfounded. On February 6, 2020, Mr. Haar filed a complaint alleging that Alderman Modrick had violated the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials by making allegations against Mr. Haar which he characterizes as “unfounded and outrageous.”

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):

Funding Cost Center


City Council Recommendation Notes:
N/A – Staff has no formal recommendation regarding this item.
City Council Options:
You have four (4) options to resolve this complaint: 1) Take no action; 2) A Public Reprimand (A public declaration by the Council that an elected officials conduct was improper and describing the impropriety under the code); 3) Public Censure (A public condemnation by the Council denouncing an elected officials conduct as a violation of the code and the reasons therefore); 4) Expulsion (SDCL 9-8-5 gives the Council the authority to expel a member on a 2/3 vote).

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