1. The Rapid City Police Department is offering the Ride-Along Program to you. It is designed for you to have interaction with Rapid City Police Officers and to get a firsthand observation of the job of a police officer. Your safety and the safety of officers are paramount and the program is designed as such. As a participant in this program, you are expected to adhere to the following instructions. You are encouraged to take this Letter of Instruction form home with you to read and become familiar with prior to your ride.
  1. If you wish to participate in the Ride-Along Program, you must read completely and sign the Covenant Not to Sue, Promise to Release, and Release Form, and return it to the Rapid City Police Department.
  1. You must not be convicted of any Misdemeanor Crime in the last three years or any Felony Conviction unless approved by the Patrol Division Commander or his/her designee.
  1. After you have completed step one, a local, state and national clearance of your background will be conducted. If you are clear, your ride request shall be processed for the scheduling of your ride. You will be called and advised of the scheduled ride time (unless you are a Citizens’ Police Academy participant or a YO! RCPD Academy participant).
  1. Please arrive at the Rapid City Police Department at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled ride time. If you are unable to make this scheduled time, please call the Pennington County Dispatch Center at 605-394-4131.
  1. You will be returned to the Rapid City Police Department at the end of your scheduled ride time, or at the time you decide to terminate your ride should that be earlier than scheduled. The officer may, at his discretion, terminate the ride earlier than scheduled. The officer may, for your protection and safety, drop you off while en route to a potentially violent or dangerous call. If this occurs, you shall be transported to the Police Department as soon as it is practical to do so.
  1. You are expected to wear conservative-type clothing that would be suitable for the weather and for meeting the public. Blue jeans and t-shirts are not permitted.
  1. Tape recorders and/or cameras (video or still) are not permitted unless otherwise authorized by the Patrol Division Commander.
  1. You are encouraged to ask questions. However, please do not ask questions of an officer that may interfere with his/her activities.
  1. You may not engage in police activity unless specifically asked to do so by a police officer.
  1. You may not leave the police vehicle, talk to victims, witnesses, suspects, prisoners, or other parties contacted on police business without first obtaining permission from a police officer.
  1. You may ride only once every six months. This gives others the opportunity to participate in the Ride-Along Program.
  1. You are riding in the capacity of an observer only. The police officer is in complete control at all times and you are required to follow his/her direction at all times.
  1. Non-sworn participants are not permitted to be armed with a weapon. Sworn participants must notify the assigned officer of their “armed status.”
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